Dr. Amna Malik
Dr. Amna Malik is a foot and ankle surgeon practicing in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. She graduated from Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine in Philadelphia and completed her residency in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery with a focus on forefoot and rearfoot at The Brooklyn Hospital Center in New York City.
During her residency training, Dr. Malik gained extensive experience in a wide range of foot and ankle procedures, including surgical ankle fracture repairs, surgical arthroscopies, forefoot joint replacement surgery, and other commonly performed surgeries. She also developed a deep understanding of sports medicine, enabling her to effectively diagnose and treat sports-related foot and ankle injuries.
Additionally, she honed her skills in wound care, specializing in the treatment of complex and chronic foot ulcers. With this expertise, she provides comprehensive and personalized care for various foot and ankle conditions to patients across southern New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
Before pursuing her career in podiatric medicine and surgery, Dr. Malik obtained a Masters in Physiology & Biophysics from the University of Arkansas Medical Sciences and a BA in Biology from Hendrix College.